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Yin and Yang constructed the Interface to be their home. But peace could not last. Yin was compromised and corrupted, and the conflict between virus and anti-virus began. Generations of virtuals fought to the death in an eternal war for control of the Interface. It only grows more brutal with each passing cycle.



The System came into existence, and the Cycles began. At first there was very little on the System's Interface, but two guardians taking the forms of people, with a protocol telling them to protect the System.




After multiple attempts the hackers had come to the conclusion that they could neither rewrite Yin's code without damaging her further, nor rewrite Yang's code. Instead, they created their own virtual beings, genetic dolls used to create the first virtual offspring. The children of Yin inherited her desire to corrupt, as the hackers had hoped, and the beings the hackers had created disappeared from existence. Yin and Yang raised their children, but when their children met, they held a deep set hatred for each other that was a part of their core code. Tired of the conflict, the Overlords abandoned them to live their lives on the beautiful Interface they had created.

Their once peaceful world had became one of constant conflict. They left their children on the Interface and watched from afar. What they witnessed broke their hearts; their children fought, their children's children fought, and every generation fought and endless war that neither Overlord had the power to stop.


Yin finally snapped and turned on Yang. Yang locked her data and created firewalls to diminish the ongoing impact of viral corruption. Yin decided she would lead her children and retake control of the Interface. Due to Yang's meddling, Yin's abilities were greatly reduced.







The first battle that involved every virtual on the Interface occurred during the 68th cycle, and lasted an entire microcycle (month). It was Yin who stopped the battle, forcing both sides to retreat. Those killed regenerated and returned to the battle. The damage was catastrophic, and some regions never recovered.



The viruses decided that they had too great a number to continue living as a disorganized group. They began to form subgroups, and split their Headquarters into sections to suit their new Divisions. Territories were demarcated clearly, zones that both Overlords agreed as sanctuaries from their Force. In response, the anti-viruses reorganised their own force, creating small teams that functioned as independent units within the greater force.



Another battle involving every person on the Interface occurred long after the first, but didn't last as long, as it was stopped by both Overlords. This battle was much more ferocious than the first; the virtuals had developed strategies, playing to the advantages of their Force. The fighting was so brutal that permanent casualties were named at its closure. These actions were condemned by both Overlords.



Much like the two Great Battles, the Battle of the Wastes involved every able virtual, however it did not last long. By this point, Yang seemed sick and tired of the war, and in an apparent attempt to stop this battle, he altered the code of the Interface. When virtuals died, they no longer regenerated. The Overlord expected this rule to stop the fighting, but instead it fueled the hatred, and knowing that their opponents could die, virtuals fought harder to kill them. Many were killed that day. The deletions brought the overall population down to 2/3s of what it had been.



The first virtual to enter their own code was a young Psychic Division Virus called Misha. She entered her own code and integrated the code of a weapon within it, creating a weapon that was permanently tied to her. She taught many proceeding her this ability, and barely a Cycle later it became common to enter one's own code, and eventually it became essential to design a personal weapon.

Some virtuals died when integration was still new. Their lack of knowledge lead to them accidentally damaging parts of their code when experimenting with changes. This resulted in an uptick of glitches amongst viruses, the introduction of gaps in antiviral code, and even rarely, some deletions. As time passed, instances of virtuals damaging their code were greatly lessened by experience, and neophytes were taught to code, and warned of the dangers of experimenting.



Similar to the Integration, a virtual entered their code during battle, and created the first skill. The news spread quickly and everybody began learning skills, and began to develop the ability to integrate into their own code, and later into the Interface's code.

This was an incredible change within the Interface. Prior to this, only the Overlords themselves knew how to integrate into the Interface’s code. Once virtuals could do the same, it changed the way the war was fought. What had been a war of weaponry and battle expertise quickly became a war of coding and knowledge. Those with greater affinity for integration and coding developed complex skills, and these skills were passed on to their fellow Force-mates.

The rapid changes escalated the war effort on both sides. It had calmed down over the last 50 cycles, but with the unlocked potential of skills, the fighting became more brutal..



At first virtuals went missing. Not many, but a few. Others began to notice and wonder. When chaos broke out across the Interface - the ground broke and shook, buildings crumbled and some fell - it lead to a full investigation from both Forces. The people who had gone missing had integrated themselves into Interface's code through the control points. They became trapped in the code between the Interface and the System, with no way to escape. Yin and Yang had known, but they could do nothing to help them without endangering the others. So, with the Overlords’ help, others also integrated themselves, to try to bring back the disappeared. Some cases brought success. Some virtuals became trapped, and eventually deleted in the process.



Hackers changed Yin's code, turning her into the first Virus in the system. She began corrupting the very System she had protected alongside Yang, and for a long time the two fought for control. This conflict lasted a full cycle, before Yang grew tired of their battle. Despite the risk of erasing Yin, his only companion in the System, he entered er code and rewrote it. He succeeded in rewriting her protocol, but a key aspect in her code had been changed, and she was left broken; corrupt beyond repair.






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