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The most basic substance within the System is the energy that maintains it. A series of interconnected links that make up the framework that everything is built upon; that sustains program functions.

All virtuals contain their own integral energy link, tying them directly to the source. This energy can be expended through code integration. In this process, a virtual will alter their own code, or the code of the Interface itself to create specific changes known as ‘skills.’ Depleted energy is restored directly in the process of regeneration.

The pure representation of energy takes the form of links. These bind virtuals to other entities on the Interface. A virtual’s link takes the form of a ‘tether,’ which is the physical manifestation of their link, taking an appearance based on the virtual’s design. Their tether allows them to connect with entities, including data access points during conversion and other virtuals during bonding.










The four principles make up the indisputable truths that hold the fabric of the Interface together. Alternatively known as the four ‘states,’ they are the key elements that everything within the System can be categorized under.

The principle that provides form and function on the Interface is the code. Everything that exists in the System is written in code, and can be rewritten and unwritten with enough energy and understanding.

Every virtual’s form is made up of a unique code, beginning with their ‘colour,’ also known as their ‘soul colour’ which is a specific hue unique to them. All of their code is condensed into their core, around which their physical form manifests. The pure representation of code on a virtual is their core, and as such, their core is the centre of their entire being. Everything they are, from their memories to their physical form is stored in the code written within their core.

The programming language the System was written in is called VTX. Considered the most condensed programming language of its era, it is made up of the primary data; the building blocks that make up the many programs and metadata which contains intricately organized information that defines the more complex functions of the primary programming.





The physical manifestations of the code are the entities within the System. Most code programs an entity, which can be directly interacted with by the virtuals. The virtuals themselves are also entities, with their physical bodies being the entity component.

It is very unusual for any entity to be devoid of energy or code. All entities have some tie to the energy framework, with active programs (any program with ongoing changes or multiple states) consistently using energy, and stable entities (any program that has a single consistent form) only utilising energy when directly edited.

An entity without code or energy is generally referred to as a ‘husk.’ These are rare, and generally refers to the state between death and regeneration, where a core separates from the physical body of a virtual (the entity component) and spawns linked to a data access point. The remaining entity will briefly be a husk, without a core (code) or energy.

All complex entities on the interface, with active programs can be distinguished from virtuals by 1 key principle: essence.

Entities like ADaMs have complex functions that can replicate intelligence, but they are not capable of manually altering code, or performing functions beyond their base code. This separates most entities, even the more developed programs, from virtuals.

Essence is equivalent to a soul. The original virtuals, Yin and Yang were designed to be artificial intelligence, but it was essence which made them fully autonomous, capable of though independent from their code. Essence was then naturally passed down to their descendants.



Of all the principles, essence is the least understood by virtuals, and the least explored. There is no real benefit to understanding essence, as there are no known applications of essence.

According to current understanding, it cannot be transferred, cannot be destroyed, cannot be created and cannot be altered.

It is believed that the age limit of virtuals is the result of essence deterioration, but this has yet to be confirmed.

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